Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tiny Weasel's Big Day Out

Tiny Weasel had a couple irregular bumps on her, so on Tuesday I brought her to the vet for surgery. It was that or rename her Tiny Bumps, which doesn't quite have the same ring as Tiny Weasel. Sadly, she decided to tear out her sutures today. We brought her to the vet for emergency care and they used a special glue to close the wound. An hour later, she decided the glue needed to come out, too. Ben and I theorize that she has become a Christian Scientist.
With all the vet visits, Tiny is absolutely done with me, vets, medication, and trips in the car. Luckily, now she's on heavy sedation, so she no longer cares about any of it.

Translation of weasel stare: "How could you do this to me?"

Other than the Tiny Weasel emergency (and that's a pretty big other, all considered), it's been a pretty good week -- at least in terms of food. Tonight Ben and I made dumplings, and last night I made overly elaborate pizza bagels for dinner.

Spiny Norman helped with clean up, as always. He does not like tomatoes, but he says Veggie Shreds are pretty awesome. Garlic is OK to eat once, and then never again. I ate all the olives and basil, so he didn't have a chance to perform his restaurant critic powers of observation on them.

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