Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Marys Peak

Ben and I finally made it up Marys Peak! It's a mountain not too far from Corvallis, but last year the road was closed each time we tried to go up. At 4,097 feet it's sort of a West Coast parallel of Camel's Hump (4,083), so I was expecting a similar peak. Sadly, the top is nothing like Camel's Hump; it's quite developed, with a huge fence and cell towers and right now the top essentially looks like a grassy field, complete with picnic table. The hike was nice, but the peak cannot compare. I'm hoping that the "real" mountains out in the Cascades will look a bit more dramatic!

The hike itself was lovely. The trillium are blooming, the morels are out but hiding, and I found a pair of gigantic sunglasses on the trail:

Afterwards, we headed to the Woodsman, a Thai restaurant/American bar with logging decor (think lots of saws). They have the most generous plates of fried tofu I've ever seen. An excellent day, but Ben can keep the sunglasses. Maybe elsewhere I will find some morels...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dancin' Strawberry Man

It's not every day that you find a dancing strawberry man in your strawberries:

I went looking for morels today with Ben, but we didn't find any. Still, beautiful weather and a nice walk at Luckiamute. I didn't take any photos of that, but I do have a picture of me and Tiny Weasel taking a nap:
That's all for now.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Good Day for Birds!

Today Ben and I hiked up Dan's Trail in Corvallis. We didn't see many other hikers, but we did see a grey jay and a northern flicker. The grey jay looked a bit like an overgrown chickadee; at first I thought it was a shrike. It didn't look much like the grey jays out East!

I'm still only about 80% certain this is a grey jay.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Spring!

It's starting to get nice out again, so that means it's time to start updating my blog with good-weather things. Today I picked up some strawberries from the farmers' market, a sign that warm weather is here to stay. Ben and I also explored Opal Creek Wilderness a couple weekends ago with Katie and her friend Susan.
Here I am with Ben, riding through the woods on a mining cart. Good times.