Thursday, September 29, 2011

The McKenzie River Trail

Last week Ben and I did our first backpacking trip in Oregon: The McKenzie River Trail. I strapped a baguette to the outside of my pack and Ben brought a huge summer sausage and we hiked 26 miles from Clear Lake down over lava fields, past hot springs, all following the McKenzie River. The trail took us past two huge waterfalls, Sahalie Falls and Koosah Falls, then the river disappeared for awhile, re-emerging at Tamolitch Pool, a stunning and strangely still aquamarine pool. We camped at a place where the river converged with a small stream, then the next day continued our hike, at first following raccoon tracks from a creature who had probably been interested in but unable to reach our bear hang during the night. In the afternoon, we hit Deer Creek Hot Springs, a small, steaming pool walled off by piles of rocks from the adjacent river. I really like the West Coast ability to stop during a hike and soak in natural hot springs! My feet felt much happier afterward. The rest of the hike took us through mossy forests and then ended with a rather anti-climactic late afternoon hike near the road, at which point both Ben and I realized that our bodies were extremely upset with us for hiking 26 miles since 1 p.m. the previous day.
Here's a photo from one of the highlights, Deer Creek Hot Springs. We were lucky we had it all to ourselves!

And here's a photo of me looking goofy with a baguette strapped to my pack (we'd already eaten part of it):

The lovely mossy part of the trail:

All in all, an amazing trip! The trailhead is less than two hours from Corvallis, so we will probably be hiking this again. I love Oregon!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mount Hood!

Can I put an exclamation mark after Mount Hood if we failed to see Mount Hood itself? I think I can. Although fog obscured the peak, we did a lovely short hike from Timberline Lodge (where they filmed The Shining) to Zigzag Canyon. The coldest, most rainy part was hiking from the car to the lodge. Once on the trail, the wind and rain died down, making for a nice hike.

Here I am at Zigzag Canyon with my friend Maggie:

and here is the canyon itself, which should end in a spectacular view of Mount Hood but instead ends in a spectacular whiteout:

I think my favorite part of the hike was the terrain underfoot: soft ash. Purple flowers dotted the area, spaced apart in seemingly deliberate formation, as if some ambitious gardener had landscaped the entirety of the mountain.

Another bonus to this trip: Ben and I found our first good Chinese restaurant in Oregon. The winner? Shandong, 3724 NE Broadway, Portland. The curry chicken fried rice and Manchurian beef are, I think, the most delicious Chinese food I've eaten since Taste of China back in Clinton, Connecticut (WARNING: their website plays annoyingly loud music).

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sunset on Dimple Hill

Last night Ben and I hiked up Dimple Hill to watch the sunset. We met a friendly mountain biker at the top who pointed us a little way down the hill to the perfect spot:

On the way back down, a coyote trotted down the trail ahead of us. The moon and stars were coming out as we hiked the last portion. A lovely night!
Back home, I've been cooking up crepes with blackberry sauce and ice cream. Recently, I recreated "The Elvis," a peanut butter/banana/Nutella crepe that they sell at Perk on Main in Durham, Connecticut. This crepe and I have accomplished a lot of writing together back home with my Connecticut writing group.

In weasel news, Rocky was feeling sick for awhile, but he's returned to normal. Just another sign that my ferrets are getting old. How did I know he's feeling better, you ask? Here is the answer:

I thought this was something only cats do, but apparently the joys of ripping toilet paper to shreds extend to ferrets, too. Rocky has learned to open the bathroom cabinet if we leave it open the slightest amount. He weaseled his way into the cabinet, began tearing up toilet paper, and then invited Ichabod in to help. The two of them managed to shred about six rolls before Ben found them. At least it means Rocky is feeling more like himself!